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Youth Dialogue on Pre Budget Planning (District Mansehra)

01 - June - 2024

On May 29, 2024, Welfare Association Jared hosted a Youth Convention at Hazara University Mansehra, engaging youth, students, Heads of Departments (HODs), and faculty members. The event focused on discussing the financial needs and priorities of the youth for the forthcoming provincial budget. This convention set the groundwork for future initiatives aimed at enhancing youth participation in public financial management. The dialogue began with a recitation from the Quran, followed by a welcome address by Mr. Umar Javed, who outlined the Youth Dialogue objectives. He emphasized the importance of prioritizing youth needs in the budget and highlighted the need for youth to understand fund allocation gaps. Youth participants were then invited to share their recommendations. They agreed that budget allocation for youth is crucial for the effective implementation of youth policies, empowerment, and realizing their potential. Key points raised included: • The need to bridge the gap between academic education and employment. • Enhancing budget allocations for vocational training and entrepreneurship. • Addressing current challenges faced by young people, including scholarships, transport issues, and the proper implementation of youth policies. Recommendations: • Increase budget allocation for education, focusing on skill and technical education. • Include vocational training budgets to bridge the skills gap. • Leverage digital and social media platforms to boost youth entrepreneurship. • Allocate budget for free IT professional courses for students. • Establish Youth Assembly membership for students. • Provide interest-free small business loans. • Allocate budget for paid internships after graduation or post-graduation. The Youth Convention marks a pivotal moment in advocating for a budget that meets the specific needs of the youth, setting the stage for a more inclusive and youth-centric approach in national financial planning.